2007 Winter SMTOWN [예약판매]
Release Date: 2007/12/7
Record Label: SM Entertainment
Genre: 편집음악(국내)
Distribution : (주)에스.엠.픽쳐스
발매예정앨범: 예매가능
발매예정일: 2007-12-7
1. 사랑 하나죠/愛只有一個(Only Love)
Sung by SMTOWN
2. 12월 27일/12月27日(On DECEMBER 27th)
Sung by BoA (BoA作詞)
3. Evergreen
Sung by 東方神起(昌珉作詞 有天作曲)
4. 첫눈이 와/初雪降臨(First Snow)
Sung by SuperJunior
5. We Wish You A Merry Christmas & Feliz Navidad
Sung by 天上智喜 The Grace
6. Winter Wonderland
Sung by KANGTA
7. Love Melody
Sung by 少女時代
8. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
Sung by HyunJin
9. 눈꽃이 날리면/要是雪花飛舞的話(When snow scatters)
Sung by Chu KaYeol(추가열)
10. Oh Holy night
Sung by 張力尹
11. 유년의 크리스마스/幼年的聖誕節(Christmas of Childhood)
Performed by Song KwangSik(송광식)
12. 여행기/旅行記(TRAVELING) [Bonus Track]
Sung by 東方神起
翻譯Credit on:HsinYun in 《Miracle.奇蹟》≧▽≦
- Dec 07 Fri 2007 19:03
[071207] 2007 Winter SMTOWN詳細曲目