
東方神起-Stand up! (日,中,拼音)

Stand up! Ah----Yeah-

Hey girl 目の前に 現れた扉を開ければ
Hey girl 如果開啟出現在眼前的這扇門
Hey girl me no ma e ni a ra wa re ta to bi ra wo a ke re ba

Oh- Right 探して た音に出会える
Oh- Right 就能遇見正在探尋的聲音
Oh- Right sa ga shi te ta o to ni de a e ru

Tonight 夢見てた この夜を信じてみたいなら
Tonight 假如想去相信這讓人憧憬的夜晚的話
Tonight yu me mi te ta ko no yo ru o shi n ji te mi ta i na ra

So High ここに来て 体預けて
So High 請將身體寄託在這裡
So High ko ko ni ki te ka ra da a tsu ke te

(Baby lets Get Down.)

All night long それとも永遠
All night long 或許就是永遠
All night long so re to mo e i e n

(Baby let's spend the night.)

If you want このままずっと
If you want 就這樣一直持續
If you want ko no ma ma zu tto

感じて Communication and vibration
感覺到 Communication and vibration
ka n ji te Communication and vibration

広がってゆく Funkination
不斷蔓延開來 Funkination
hi ro ga tte yu ke Funkination

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

楽しんで Sensation the invitation
盡情享受 Sensation the invitation
ta no shi n de Sensation the invitation

自由になって Sweet emotion
自由幻化成為 Sweet emotion
ji yu u ni na tte Sweet emotion

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

Don't stop 夜明けまで見つめ合って踊り続けて
Don't stop 從黑夜就注視著 直到黎明 持續舞動
Don't stop yo a ke ma de mi tsu me at te o do ri tsu zu ke te

So hot 欲しいもの わかっているから
So hot 瞭解對方的程度到了不可思議的地步
So hot fu shi gi na ho do wa ka tte i ru ka ra

It's you 合図して 誰にも気づかれないようにね
It's you 傳遞專屬彼此的暗號 不想讓任何人發現
It's you a i zu shi te da re ni mo ki zu ka re na i yo u ni ne

Kiss you 抱き締めて そこから先は
Kiss you 緊密的擁抱 先從那邊開始
Kiss you da ki shi me te so ko ka ra sa ki wa

(Baby let's get down.) Call my name. (Hey Oh-)

so u na n do mo

(Baby let's spend the night.)

It's ok 世界に届け
It's ok 來到這世界
It's ok se ka i ni to do ke

騒いで Communication and vibration
引發騷動 Communication and vibration
sa wa i de Communication and vibration

今夜はみんな Funkination (Funkination)
今晚全部都是 Funkination (Funkination)
ko n ya wa mi n na Funkination (Funkination)

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.
(Stand up party tonight)
Be the sensation the invitation.

まだまだもっと Sweet emotion
一切都是更加的 Sweet emotion
ma da ma da mo tto Sweet emotion

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

Baby let me hear you say, oh yeah-
Baby let me see you dancing, oh yeah-
Show me everybody crazy party ready alright come tonight, oh yeah-
Baby let me hear you say, oh yeah-
Baby let me see you dancing, oh yeah-
Show me everybody crazy party ready alright come tonight.

感じて Communication and vibration
感覺到 Communication and vibration
ka n ji te Communication and vibration

広がってゆく Funkination
不斷蔓延開來 Funkination
hi ro ga tte yu ke Funkination

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

楽しんで Sensation the invitation
盡情享受 Sensation the invitation
ta no shi n de Sensation the invitation

自由になって Sweet emotion
自由幻化成為 Sweet emotion
ji yu u ni na tte Sweet emotion

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

騒いで Communication and vibration
引發騷動 Communication and vibration
sa wa i de Communication and vibration

今夜はみんな Funkination
今晚全部都是 Funkination
ko n ya wa mi n na Funkination

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.
I'll be the sensation the invitation.

まだまだもっと Sweet emotion
一切都是更加的 Sweet emotion
ma da ma da mo tto Sweet emotion

Na- na- na- na- na- Feel so right stand up party tonight.

Baby let me hear you say, oh yeah-
Baby let me see you dancing, oh yeah-
Show me everybody crazy party ready alright come tonight, oh yeah-
Baby let me hear you say, oh yeah-
Baby let me see you dancing, oh yeah-
Show me everybody crazy party ready alright come tonight.

改編中文詞會努力的!!! 不過...今天必須先把"神秘暗號"專輯的歌詞翻譯搞定...
已經拖太久啦 >

    創作者 sade1019 的頭像


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